PT. Mitra Kasih Abadi Bandung

Pt. Mitra Kasih Abadi
Kontak Person: Charles
Telepon: (62-22) 7320174, 61717071, 5400941
Nomor Faks: (62-22) 7320174, 540094
Alamat: Jl. Cibangkong No.70B
Kota: Bandung
Kode Pos: 40273
Deskripsi Pt. Mitra Kasih Abadi
We trace our beginnings to March 22, 2000 which is placed in East Jakarta with Certifcate of Incorporation No. 33, with Pahala Sutrisno Amijoyo Tampubolon SH as Notary in Jakarta along with verification statute from Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia as per 02 February 2006 Decree with No. C-04104.HT.01.01.TH.2006. Our mobilize and activity through time to time which is only focusing to services, MITRA KASIH ABADI in 2009 begin to start to expanding wings on Sales, Supplies, Export and Import as well. Therefore at the same year March 19 2009, MITRA KASIH ABADI amendments Certificate of change of base budget changes Against the Deed dated 19 - 03-2009 No. 104, made before Ismiati SH Supervisory Council Decision Letter Notary Region Central Jakarta dated 06-11 - 2008 Number: 059/MPD.JKT PST/C/XI/2008 replacement of Ingrid Lannywaty SH Notary in Jakarta. Articles of Association was approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia as its letter dated 29 - 05-2009 Number: AHU-23738.AH.01.02. In 2009 to further in this deed will be called the "Company".